The "Sigismondo" was built in 1901 and has  been navigating in the aeolian islands since 1946, most of the time transporting goods and sometimes persons, such as the Rossellini troup during the shot of the picture "Stromboli" with Ingrid Bergman, picture that introduced to the whole world the aeolian islands. 

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Crociera di 8 giorni alle Isole Eolie a bordo della leggendaria goletta Sigismondo

8 day cruise in the aeolian islands aboard the leggendary schooner Sigismondo

Croisière de 8 jours aux Iles Eoliennes à bord de la légendaire goélette Sigismondo

8 Tagen Kreuzfahrt in den Äolische Inseln am Bord des legendären goélette Sigismondo